(SatyaBhavna :: What we feel about a few truths!)




There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.
(Albert Einstein)


About Us

Why Truefeeling?




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Anika Satya joined our family after a rather difficult journey... she arrived a month early on June 10, 2006 in Fernandez Maternity Hospital in Hyderabad. Now, she is almost ten months and loves to smile at anything that moves. She enjoys playing with Ayan bhaiya and eating from his plate.
Meaning of Anika?
  • Anika \a-ni-ka\ is pronounced AH-ne-kah. It is of Hausa origin, and its meaning is "sweet-faced.
  • Goddess Durga :: she is a strong baby who made it through despite odds!
  • Very Beautiful, gracefcul in Spanish (Latin origin)
  • Apricot from Nara in Japanese
Anika's big brother, Ayan Satya arrived in our family on February 16, 2004! He is now three years old and loves to sing and dance to Krrish music. He also enjoys riding his bicycle and spending lots of time in the play area on the swings. His favorite cartoons are Tom & Jerry and Mr. Bean. His favorite request is to ask for icecream... even middle of his sleep.

Meaning of Ayan?
  • Sanskrit: position of Sun relative to Earth (e.g. Uttarayan, Dakshinayan).
  • Hindi: 'Coming of' such as in Ramayan.
  • Tamil: A name for Lord Brahma e.g. the temple Sthanumalayan.
  • Acronym: Last two letters of our names ('ya' and 'na')
  • A form of African drumming. (Pa enjoys drummming!)
Who we are :: Satya & Bhavna?
Asian-North & South Indian -- Americans now settled in Hyderabad, India. Although we both belong to different sects of the Indian society, and our families follow different traditions and languages - we speak whatever language comes to mind, follow the culture of humanity, love every day that we spend together with our children, and see life as a reflection of ourselves. (woo hoo)

What we do for Life?
A Slapstick Saggi & a Goofy Gemini together since 1997 - ten years of an emotional cocktail! Life couldn't be better especially with our two sweeet babies. If we get time other than doing daily chores and managing kids' desires... we like to:
* Travel
* Listen to music
* Watch movies (Favorites: Godfather-s, Sholay etc.) and TV series ( Seinfeld, 3's Company, and musical shows such as Idols etc.)
* Try new food dishes and savor related cultural experiences :: Have you tried the spicy Hyderabadi narangi kabobs?
What we want to do?
Together we want to live a somewhat-minimalistic (hmm?) life, travel the world, stay fit, relax with kin, watch re-runs of "our time shows," read about scientific & social revolutions, propose peace as the motto of life, and find small ways to give back.
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